Let's Build a Story! | Profil Klett

Let's Build a Story!

Prosjek: 3 (4 votes)
Autor: Marta Užarević Vuksan
5. razred osnovne škole
6. razred osnovne škole
7. razred osnovne škole
8. razred osnovne škole
Engleski jezik
Osobni i socijalni razvoj
Ključni pojmovi: 
storytelling, story, English, engleski jezik, contest, natječaj, ilustracije, illustrations, slike, pictures

PROFIL KLETT invites you to apply to a storytelling contest and BUILD A STORY!


There is a saying: A picture is worth a thousand words. We challenge you to mentor your pupils to write a story of maximum 1000 words based on 9 pictures. Pupils (grades 5 to 8) are invited to arrange nine illustrations in whichever order they find best and write a corresponding story of 250 to 1000 words. Use these nine illustrations as building blocks for your story!

Find more information and the application form here.


Illustrations by Sven Nemet