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Spelling TIme: Pair Work - Activity With Fidget Spinner

Activity from New Building Bridges 5, UNIT 1, Spelling, with the help of fidget spinner.

1) Write the names of your classmates in the blank fields of the circle. 2) Choose one prong of the spinner and label it. 3) Spin the spinner No 1. 4) When the first spinner stops, spin the second one and while it's spinning, spell the word the first spinner has chosen for you. 5) Your friend should do the same.

Adjectives - Activity With Fidget Spinner

Activity from New Building Bridges 5, UNIT 1, Adjectives, with the help of fidget spinner.

The 'Show me what you know' exercise should be done at the end of lesson 1.1. It can be done individually or in pairs.
Students should write all the adjectives they remember.
Students get a point for every adjective they write, and they get an extra point for each correctly spelt adjective.
Students may write their answers in one column and use the other one to correct possible mistakes.