Primjer iz prakse: Listen To the Song and Order the Colours
Watch a video with a well known activity where students are ordering the colours while listening to the „Colour song“. Prepared by Irena Baždar
Watch a video with a well known activity where students are ordering the colours while listening to the „Colour song“. Prepared by Irena Baždar
Don't you just love the story about a hungry caterpillar? Its ability to change colours after each meal thrills my students every time (and me, as well). Prepared by Irena Baždar
Teacher puts picture cards featuring different food items face down on the chair. Students stand around the chair and teacher chooses who goes next. Student chooses one card, says what it is and then tells whether he/she like it or not. Prepared by Irena Baždar
Teacher puts picture cards featuring different food items face down on the chair. Students stand around the chair and teacher chooses who goes next. Student chooses one card, says what it is and then tells whether he/she like it or not. Prepared by Irena Baždar
Usustavljivanje sadržaja o medijima i čitanje neknjiževnih (neprekinutih i isprekidanih) tekstova s ciljem razvijanja kritičkog razumijevanja medijskih sadržaja.
Obrada onomatopeje u 5. razredu pomoću pjesme Špekule K. Quina.
Uvođenje i uvježbavanje vokabulara na temu Mein Haus (Paare-Spiel), Auswahl-Spiel - Wie sind die Räume? uvježbavanje: der-er; die-sie; das-es.
Interaktivna online aktivnost za uvježbavanje jezičnih struktura uz lekciju 2, Modul 1 u udžbeniku Wir+1.Upute u u Metodičkom kutku (Dodatni materijali,4. razred, interaktivni zadatci)
Interaktivna online aktivnost za uvježbavanje novih struktura uz Modul 1 u udžbeniku Wir +1. Upute ćete pronaći u Metodičkom kutku (Dodatni materijali, 4. razred, interaktivni zadatci)
Tema 1, radni listić 1: Ich und meine Familie
Povezivanje slike i riječi, uvježbavanje: mein, meine/dein,deine: der,die,das,die-Pl.
Check out these simple ways of revising numbers. Prepared by Irena Baždar
Check out these simple way of revising numbers. Prepared by Irena Baždar