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Kružni vrtovi i labirinti

Labirint je bio vrlo česta tema srednjovjekovnih vrtova. Zanimljivo je da se značenje vrtnog labirinta u Srednjem vijeku vezalo uz pojam ljubavi, jer je vrtni labirint bio savršeno mjesto za tajne ljubavne sastanke ... Potaknite učenike da istraže vrtove i vrtne labirinte kružnog oblika. Predložite im da u tražilici Google znalac pretraže slike s ključnim pojmom "circular garden maze" ili "srednjovjekovni vrtovi”. Potaknite ih da potraže i kružne labirinte u Hrvatskoj.

Lov na blago - broj π

Radni list za "lov na blago" odnosno potragu za informacijama, povijesnim činjenicama i zanimljivostima o broju π. Učenici su u ulozi specijalnih agenata koji vode istragu o broju π: pregledom i pretraživanjem web mjesta ponuđenih u radnom listu, u nekom vremenskom periodu (prema tome kako se unaprijed dogovorite s njima), prikupljaju i bilježe pronađene podatke o broju π. Rezultate svojih istraživačkih aktivnosti učenici mogu javljati u "stožer" odnosno vama ili prikazati na nekom zajedničkom mjestu - primjerice na zajedničkom online zidu Padleta...

My Outdoor School Journal

Pupils need to write about every day of their summer outdoor school. They keep track of the meals, activities they do, the weather conditions and the feelings at the end of the day. They keep the diary daily, use the key language and practise writing. When they get back home, they have to analyse the journal with their teacher.

Halloween Memory Cards

Play the game in 4 teams. Each team chooses a name.   1  Draw a grid containing 20 squares on the board (4x5), five in each row. Write the numbers 1-20 in each square. Put a memory card in each square, face down. 2  The teams take turns to pick any two cards. 3  The teacher turns over the cards. 4  If the two cards match, the team gets a point. If they are not, the next team plays. 5  The game is over when all the cards have been matched and the winner is the team with the most matches. 

Halloween Bingo

Play the game in six teams. Each team gets a grid with 4 squares. 1 The teams ˝decorate the pumpkins˝ with feelings (happy, sad, sleepy, hungry, bored or busy). 2 The teacher says the feeling. 3 The teams cross off the corresponding pumpkin if they have it. 4 When they have crossed off all the 4 pictures they yell “BINGO!”. 5 The winner is the team that yells “BINGO!” first.