1.Once upon a time a grandpa was reading a book and thinking about his past. He was very old and also very wise at that time.
2.The story begins...
A boy, a girl, a bear, a bunny and a fox were enjoying their time on a meadow in front of the woods. They were happy, singing, dancing and jumping around. You could feel their joy in the air. Nobody saw and nobody could predict what is it going to happen in the end...
3.An evil scientist was their greatest enemy. He spent his nights and days in his laboratory thinking and making dangerous plans on how to end their happines for good...
4.The plan was to somehow cut off all the trees in the woods, destroy it completely so nobody could live there any longer. Every living being had to move out...
5.But the company of best friends was strong and nobody was afraid. They came up with a brilliant plan. Friends dressed up in different costumes to disguise themselves and went directly to the his laboratory seeking revenge...
6.The company was lucky, evil scientist was at home and working very late. It was night, one o'clock a.m. and they used electric light to create horrifying shadows. The scientist was scared to death and ran away forever and for good...
7.The company of best friends had a surprise. They took care of the evil scientist and found the map of hidden treasure...
8.Then they took off their costumes and began a search. It was very easy and after a short quest they found a chest...
9:When they opened it, everybody was very happy with all the things they found inside. Everything that was taken away from them is now returned. The joy of life is back on their faces for good!!!
The end!
mentor: Sanja Babić Radoš
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