Detalji proizvoda FOCUS GRAMMAIRE DU FRANÇAIS B1-B2 Grammaire du français + CD audio + corrigés + Parcours digital Autori: Marie-Françoise Gliemann, Joëlle Bonenfant, Bernadette Bazelle-Shahmaei, Anne Akyüz 31,50 €
Detalji proizvoda Focus On Assessment Research-led guide helping teachers understand, design, implement, and evaluate language assessment Autori: Eunice Eunhee Jang 54,05 €
Detalji proizvoda Focus On Content-Based Language Teaching Research-led guide examining instructional practices that address the challenges of content-based language teaching Autori: Patsy M. Lightbown 54,05 €
Detalji proizvoda Focus on Grammar and Meaning Material for Teacher Training Autori: Luciana de Oliveira, Mary Schleppegrell 54,05 €
Detalji proizvoda Focus on Oral Interaction Research-led guide exploring the role of oral interaction for second language learning Autori: Ass Professor Rhonda Oliver, Dr Jenefer Philp 54,05 €
Detalji proizvoda Focus on Special Educational Needs Teacher's Guide Autori: Cristina Sanchez -Lopez, Theresa Young 53,72 €